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Crucial Knowhow To Enjoy The Best Coffee

Coffee Brewing

Basically, we do not measure the coffee in milliliters but in grams. We measure the weight of the extracted coffee in the cup. Each barista should therefore have a small electronic scale. 

Portafilter Machine

Recipe for Espresso Doppio

Dosage of grand coffee: 16.0-18.0 g (8.5-10g for single espresso)
Temperature: 92-94 degrees
Extraction time: 20-34 seconds
Ratio of ground coffee to extracted coffee in the cup: 1 to 1.8-2.5

Tusk, Premium, India Delight: 36-50g per Doppio (18-25g for Single) with a flow time of 19-28 sec

Specialities: 45-55g per doppio (22-28g for single) with a brewing time of 23-34 sec

Drip Chemex, HARIO V-60

Coffee: 30-40 g 
freeness: 7-8 (sandy texture) 
temperature: 93 level 
Water: 500 g 
extraction time: 4 minutes

Rinse paper filter only with hot water to wash away the taste of paper. 
Pour away the water, place the pot on the kitchen scale and pour in coffee powder. Let swell with a little hot water for 30 seconds and then pour on 500 g tared weight.


Coffee: 30-40 g 
freeness: 7-8 (sandy texture) 
temperature: 93 level 
Water: 500 g 
extraction time: 4 minutes

Put the pot on the kitchen scale, pour the coffee powder and let it swell with a little hot water for 30 seconds. Pour up to 500 g. Press the plunger after 4 minutes. Then pour the coffee into a clean container to avoid further extraction.


Coffee: 12-20 g 
freeness: 5-6 (almost sandy texture) 
temperature: 92 level 
Water: 200 g 
extraction time: 30-60 seconds


The Aeropress is my favorite plastic toy. The coffee is stronger in flavor and the preparation succeeds even in the hotel breakfast room. Rinse the filter paper as usual and then pour in coffee powder. Screw the lid on the bottom and pour in water.

Place on the mug, wait 30 seconds, then slowly press down. The overpressure of about 2 bar makes the coffee wonderfully strong, without bitterness.

The Bialetti coffee pot

reeness: 3-3. 5 (not too fine)


Loosely fill in the coffee powder and smooth it out.
Pour hot water into the lower part, never beyond the pressure relief valve! Screw up and place on the stove. To avoid excessive leaching of bitter substances, remove the pot from the stove as early as possible - preferably still in the final phase of brewing to prevent under-extraction. The relatively high heat causes the coffee to have a tendency to become bitter. (Not my favorite aluminum toy).

The Cold Drip Coffee.

Coffee: 250 g 
freeness: 7-8 (sandy texture) 
temperature: 3-10 level 
Water: 3000 g 
extraction time: overnight

In this method of preparation is extracted only with iced water. We fill 3 liters of water into the upper container and 200 to 250 g of coffee into the glass cylinder. Then, by opening the small tap, the coffee grounds are well wetted with water. Then turn off the tap to a drip rate of about 2 drops per second. The extraction process takes about 8 hours with this equipment.